Our Services

Risk Analysis: When it comes to analyzing data there are very few absolutes. It is critical that we understand the likelihood of successfully arriving at a derived schedule or cost position.  We assist project decision-makers by performing cost and schedule risk analyses.

Schedule Analysis: Probably the single biggest determinant of a project’s ultimate cost is the degree to which it is completed on schedule. We use our ICS Models to explore the implications of schedule movements on the project’s cost and risk position

Cost Analysis: Affordability is a central issue for the projects we work with. We support the project team by providing expertise in all matters related to the project cost. We exercise cost models in support of project trade studies and design decisions.

Budgetary Analysis: Projects we support are regularly pressed to accommodate changes in yearly funding due to changes in the acquisition environment. We support this process using our Integrated  Cost and Schedule models that allow us to dynamically explore project variants.


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Predictive Analysis
Real Time Integrated Cost and Schedule Model

Real Time Integrated Cost and Schedule Model

In today’s acquisition environment a program’s cost and schedule are innately connected.  For a program to survive and successfully run the acquisition gauntlet it must be flexible.  TTJ&B’s Integrated Cost & Schedule (ICS) Models create a flexible programmatic model that directly connects a program’s cost and schedule baselines in a platform that can be manipulated in real-time to identify program…

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Predictive Analysis

It’s easier to dodge a punch when you see it coming.  Most decision-makers use their program’s reporting mechanisms to look backward on what’s been happening – leaving them exposed to a punch.  TTJ&B Inc’s Predictive Risk Analysis tools will get you looking forward – anticipating where trouble is brewing and heading it off at the pass before it delivers a…

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Bring our clients undeniably great value by providing resource saving and difference making capabilities at a low price


We are here to make our clients look great in their customer's eyes - we aren't successful unless they are


Find ways to make the difficult simple such that the difficult becomes both achievable and affordable


Maintain a small project footprint - we are here to make things easier not to be another "ball in the air" for the client

About TTJ&B inc

We bring the power of innovative modeling techniques and analytical expertise to bear on projects – turning static data into dynamic information whereby projects are more intelligently understood, more efficiently directed, and more productively executed. Helping projects get things done faster, smarter and with fewer resources. MAKING AN IMPACT Helping our clients win and perform TTJ&B Inc’s support and ICS…

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