It’s easier to dodge a punch when you see it coming.  Most decision-makers use their program’s reporting mechanisms to look backward on what’s been happening – leaving them exposed to a punch.  TTJ&B Inc’s Predictive Risk Analysis tools will get you looking forward – anticipating where trouble is brewing and heading it off at the pass before it delivers a blow to your program.

The simple reality is that we operate in an environment that is constantly changing – which makes the challenge of keeping a project sold, on budget, and on schedule a difficult task. Our tools and services have been developed to help bridge the gap that exists between the need to respond to change quickly and the necessity of developing solutions that are detailed enough to be successfully implemented.

How it Works

Your program’s Systems and Processes leave behind data trails. Because most events in controlled processes aren’t random in nature, patterns are identifiable in data even when the outcomes might seem to be purely random. When these patterns can be identified in data, then highly accurate predictions based on these observed patterns can be made.  And if identified fast enough, this information can inform people of what’s likely to happen next in a system – guiding and influencing decision making – putting programs “out in front” of potential issues that result in cost growth and schedule slips.

The Difference it Makes

  • Predict program outcomes with more than 90% accuracy
  • Anticipate the timing and location of critical issues and move now to avoid future trouble
  • Reduce cost and schedule variances